Must- Do: What continent is Greece on?
Must- Do: What do you see on the vase?
Challenge: What do you think this tells us about Greece's social pyramid?
Objective 1: Ancient Greek Book Tour------------- 10 minutes
Objective 2: What is Freedom? ------ w/Mr. Davis----------- 10 minutes
Objective 3: Read the Geography of Ancient Greece-------- 10 minutes
Must- Do: Write 1 thing you learned
Should-D0: Write 2 things you learned
Challenge: Write 3 things you learned
Objective 3: Read the Geography of Ancient Greece-------- 10 minutes
Must- Do: Write 1 thing you learned
Should-D0: Write 2 things you learned
Challenge: Write 3 things you learned
Blue Team will begin with Objective 1----- First 10 minutes
Orange Team will begin with Objective 2-------- First 10 minutes
Green Team will begin with Objective 3----------- First 10 minutes
Then SWITCH!!! Green will then work on Objective 1, Orange Team on Objective 3, Blue on 2...
Further Instructions:
Objective 1: There are only 6 books for 8 members of a team. Some of you will have to work together!!!! YOU ARE TEAMMATES
Objective 2: First, write your own definition of freedom as a comment to THIS blog. Then on the poster paper, write your group's definition. Discuss it.... Quietly