
December 18, 2008

Creation Story Writing Project

You will be creating a creation story modeled after the Sumerian creation myth we read in class.


You will be doing this project on Microsoft Powerpoint.

Then we will upload it into a Google Presentation.

At the end we will post it in your blogs.


Your myth must include:

At least 5 slides with at least 2-3 sentences each.

At least 3 pictures (Hopefully more!)

At least 5 Mesopotamia vocab words:

cuneiform Fertile Crescent

food surplus Ziggurat

Tigris River city-state

surplus division of labor

irrigation social hierarchy

civilization Euphrates River

A creation myth explains why life is the way it is.

Here are some ideas: The creation of...

the world
the rivers, mountains, desert
ziggurats government
wars laws
farming writing
social hierarchy

Project Steps:

1.) Write your story (on paper or on Microsoft Word). (Include vocab words!)

2.) Divide your story into Powerpoint slides

3.) Find pictures

4.) Complete your presentation and Upload it to Google

5.) Embed the presentation in your blog.

Link to the
Mesopotamia Creation Story

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